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How did the war start in Palestine

How did the war start in Palestine

#start #Palestine How did the war start in Palestine.

In ancient times in one of the distant and large forests there was a small spider named Arash who was looking for a web to live in as he had been homeless in the forest for years One day as Arash walked in the forest on his eight legs he noticed a large and wonderful web that suited his needs so he decided to take it for himself However this web was inhabited by another spider named Zub who had worked hard and hard to build it He asked him Arsh Is this web yours sir Zub said Yes it is my web Arash said So can I take it Zub said Of course not I worked hard to make it Arash said But it is the home of my ancestors Zub said No I made this web and you cannot come and take it so easily When Arash saw that Zub was determined to stay in the web he decided to seek help from his friend the chameleon Shal so he went to him and Shal agreed to help him He carried Arash on his back and went to Zubs house to take it over When Zub saw that Shal was coming he decided to flee for fear of his strength so Arash managed to get a home and Zub became alone in the dark forest 1 Palestine In the southwest of the Mediterranean Sea there is a small land which has always been called The land of Palestine This land was a center for the succession of civilizations and a focus of religious conflict as it is a sacred spot The Ottoman state was the last Islamic empire to rule Palestine and under its rule Palestine was distinguished by cultural religious and economic diversity where people of different religions and sects lived together and most of the population groups were in the main cities such as Jerusalem Hebron Nablus Gaza And by the end of the nineteenth century Jewish immigration to Palestine increased with the growth of the Zionist movement which is a political and social movement that aims to establish a Jewish state on the land of Palestine and its most important figures is Theodor Herzl 2 The end of the Ottoman rule After the end of World War I the Ottoman state was divided between Britain and France according to the Sykes Picot Agreement which is a secret agreement between France and the United Kingdom that divided the lands of the Ottoman state between France and Britain where Palestine Jordan and southern Iraq were for Britain and Syria Lebanon northern Iraq and southeastern Turkey were for France It was named after the French diplomat Franois Georges Picot and the British Mark Sykes And with the beginning of the British rule of Palestine the political tensions between the Arabs and the Jews increased due to the increase of Jewish immigration to Palestine which the Arabs considered a threat to them And in the midst of these tensions the Zionist terrorist organizations such as Haganah and Irgun were active And among their most famous operations are the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 and the Irgun attacks in June 1937 the attacks that resulted in the death of more than 250 Palestinians And because of the conflict between the Arabs and the Jews the United Nations decided in 1947 to put a resolution to divide the land into a Jewish land and an Arab land as shown in the map where 57 5 percent of the lands were given to the Jews and 42 3 percent to the Arabs and put Jerusalem under international trusteeship This division did not please the Arabs as it gave land to the Jews more than the Arabs despite the fact that the number of Arab Palestinians was greater than the number of Jews and this Arab anger was the preparation for a war that the Arabs would later call the Nakba war 3 The 1948 War In 1948 the state of Israel was declared which the Arabs rejected outright as they considered Israel to be nothing but a state based on the occupation of Palestine so Jordan Egypt Syria Lebanon Saudi Arabia and Iraq decided to enter the war against Israel to liberate Palestine and both the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia were responsible for the military support of Israel The war ended but unexpectedly Israel won And the Arabs lost and because of this war Israel was able to control the lands proposed by the United Nations in addition to more than 60 percent of the lands proposed for the Arabs and Egypt controlled Gaza and Jordan controlled the West Bank and also because of the war more than seven hundred thousand Palestinian refugees were displaced and the war was ended by signing the truce

Length Seconds : 627
Published : Dec 26, 2023
Category : Comedy
Is Shorts : NO
Channel : Let's learn !
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How did the war start in Palestine

How did the war start in Palestine

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